Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bark Day - May 17th!

Ozzie's favorite community event is coming up - BARK Day!  Mark your calendars for May 17th, but don't wait that long to order!  We are accepting orders immediately!
Spring is here and once again the BLCA is happy to sponsor the very popular Bark Day where residents can have bark delivered to their homes in quantities from 1 to 5 cubic yards.


BLCA members: $18/yard for first two, and $23/yard each additional.  Non-members: $28/yard (LIMIT two yards).
Don’t miss out on this opportunity that only comes once a year!  Requests must be made and paid for in advance. Space is limited. If you are interested in ordering bark, please make your request no later than 5pm on May  15th, 2013.

Contact Andrea Upton, VP of Community Development by phone at (425) 226-9620 or email your order to info@boulevardlane.org

Please provide the following when you email or call to include your name, address, yards of bark and location of where you want bark delivered.

Friday, April 25, 2014

A New Website and New Direction for Boulevard Lane

Don Geyer
I am proud to announce that the NEW Boulevard Lane website is up!  This project has been in the works for some time now, with the goal of relieving Sarah, our former web designer, of the task.  Sarah moved away from Boulevard Lane several years ago and has many other projects keeping her busy now.  This also puts BLCA directly in control of the site's design, content, and updates.

The web site is not completely finished.  We will be making present and recent Criers available for download in PDF format soon, while older Criers will be available upon request (subject to availability).  The archive of old Criers were just taking up too much server space, costing us money. 

There will likely be other small changes as well as we move ahead, including updates to the Information Links page.

I'm really excited about this new direction, and hope you will take a moment to check the new site out.  The web address remains the same - www.boulevardlane.org.

As always, your feedback is welcome.

Don Geyer - VP, Programs

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Soos Creek Trail Project Update

The Soos Creek Trail expansion project is moving forward!  As you may know, the trail has been constructed in phases, with the eventual goal of extending it all the way to intersect with the Cedar River Trail - an exciting 11 mile trail in total length, with opportunities to make your outing even longer!

I recently contacted Mr. Karan Soi, the Capital Project Manager for this project, and asked him for a status update on this much anticipated expansion.

"The budgets to complete the design and construction documents for the  Soos Creek Trail  Segment 1 (  SE 192nd. Street to SE Petrovitsky Road)  were approved in the 2014 budget . We are currently in the process of signing the contract with our Consultants to complete the  segment 1 design from 60% to 100% Construction Documents including all the permitting approvals . The bidding  and construction of the project will take place in early 2015 contingent upon the approval of the construction funds for the Segment 1 in the 2015 Budget by the King County Council ."

The picture above shows a breakdown of how the remaining segments are divided.  Be sure to click on it to see the larger version.

And what about the rest of the segments?  Soi explained, "Design and construction of the remaining segments 2,3 & 4 ( see attached )  will be completed depending upon the priority and availability of budgets  in the coming years."

This is excellent news, and even more reason to celebrate during our upcoming Soos Creek Walk/Run in June!

Don Geyer - VP, Programs