Thursday, November 19, 2015

Fall General Meeting

Thank you to all the neighbors that attended the BLCA General Meeting on October 29, 2015. The fall General Meeting allows the Board to update our neighbors on what has been happening in Boulevard Lane since the spring General Meeting, and to provide a budget update.

At this meeting, there was a presentation of the recent changes to I-405. The presentation included an overview of the new toll / HOV lanes, how to use the new lanes, and different incentives being offered to encourage people to join a vanpool, use bus services, and the various rail-based transportation services.

More details can be found here:

We also had a chance to discuss community crime concerns with KCSO Precinct Captain Scott Somers. The discussion was open in nature—covering specifics, philosophies, and general tips and best practices that all of us can use to maintain the quality of life
we enjoy in our neighborhood. The Board will be posting this information in future Criers, on our blog (, on our web site(, and on our Facebook page(

The next BLCA General Meeting is scheduled for March 31, 2016. At this meeting, Board members will be elected for the next term and the next budget will be approved. I encourage everyone to attend.

Rob North, President