Saturday, January 30, 2016


Here are a few takeaways from the conversation with Scott Somers of the King County Sheriff’s Office at the October 2015 General Meeting. Instead of a traditional block watch program, if everyone simply got to know their immediate neighbors on each side, the entire neighborhood would be covered with vigilance. That's it. Every Boulevard Lane resident does a little bit by getting to know their immediate neighbors. Not a lot of effort. Liking your respective neighbors is optional.

For example, by getting to know your neighbors—you will know if a contractor is expected to be doing some work and that box truck is okay being in the driveway. That package left by the front door won't walk off with someone unfamiliar, because you will know who lives on either side of you. By getting to know your neighbors, you can ask them to pick up your newspaper (if you still subscribe to receive one of those) from your driveway when you are on holiday. By the way, Scott recommends that you don't cancel your paper when on vacation. Have any of us met the person who delivers the paper, or with whom they associate with?

Please don't hesitate to CALL 911 if you see anything suspicious going on in our neighborhood.


If you witness suspicious activity, abandoned vehicles, vandalism, or other similar activity, the King County Sheriff has an online reporting System.

Go to this link: and fill out the form. Towards the bottom of the page is a list of reportable incidents. Let’s all work together to keep our neighborhood a safe place to live.