Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Message from the President Rob North:

Boulevard Lane Neighbors

All of you have received this years membership form and I encourage all residents of Boulevard Lane to join. I would like to, on behalf of the BLCA board, personally thank all of our neighbors who have already joined for 2014. THANK YOU!

As you have noticed dues increased this year to $30, after being $25 for several years. As a courtesy, I want to explain why dues have been increased. First, postage has been rising steadily as have other costs that we have no control over. Secondly, the BLCA board is focused on the appearance and maintenance of our entry. The entry is our collective front door and reflects the pride we have in our neighborhood.

Several years ago Bud Battle, during his time as President, led the effort to replace our entry signs, the signs at the entrance now are the results of that effort – they are treasures. However, the signs need periodic maintenance. The dues increase will allow us to begin accruing a maintenance fund for each sign that will allow future BLCA boards to maintain the signs on a schedule.

Trees – they grow. As the entry signs need upkeep, so do the trees at the entry. Your BLCA board is also planning on accruing funds to maintain the trees at the entry on a schedule.

In addition to what I have described above your dues will continue to support the events that we have come to expect each year: The Easter Egg Hunt, The Garage Sale, Bark Day, Soos Creek Fun Run/Walk, and Dumpster Day to name a few.

I encourage all residents of Boulevard Lane to join the association. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Rob North

President, BLCA

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